All Dominatrixes have specific procedures and instructions for you to follow when arriving at their dungeon for a session, these are Mine:
ALWAYS call from the corner of My block when arriving for your session.
DO NOT call from the front of My building.
If I do not answer the phone (which has never happened), keep calling right back until I do. Although a very rare occurrence, there is a possibility I may have to instruct you to wait a few minutes before buzzing at the front door to My building. - DO NOT CALL EARLY. I expect your call precisely at the time of our scheduled session. I will not answer if you call early as I am busy preparing the dungeon and Myself for your arrival.
- Arrive with My Tribute in an unsealed envelope which should be placed immediately into the wooden tray in My foyer (the envelope will be reused or recycled by Me). I will point out the tray on your first visit.
- Wash your hands with the provided soap for at least 20 seconds.
- Tardiness is unacceptable. If you are more than 5 minutes late without notifying Me, the time will be subtracted from your session. If you are more than 15 minutes late without notifying Me, I will consider you a "no-show” and I will not see you that day.
- In the event that you are a "no-show," you will have to submit the full Tribute for the time you booked before I will communicate with you again.
These procedures will be covered in detail and clarified if necessary during our Phone Interview and/or when we book your first session.