- Written by Mistress Troy, New York City -

I recently returned from The Other World Kingdom’s 5th Anniversary Celebration. This was My third visit to The OWK and as usual, it was an enjoyable and invigorating experience, although the weather was not as cooperative as it had been during My two previous stays. It was overcast almost the entire weekend with occasional rainstorms that brought a coolness to the air perfect for wearing leather (or latex, if one preferred).

Instead of supplying My slave, b, with preprinted t-shirts labeling him as My property for the Celebration, he was assigned the task of making them for himself. I was pleased with his color selection of black and blue. As instructed, he stenciled the text onto the shirts as he flew from the United States to Prague.
It was exciting to see Queen Patricia and Her slaves once again as well as all of the visiting Ladies from across Europe and America (North and South), many of whom I had met on previous visits to The OWK.
The Queen and Her slaves had taken into consideration many of the suggestions, comments and criticisms from previous Celebrations and, much to My delight, had made some clearly noticeable changes to make the visiting Ladies more comfortable. Many changes and additions were made to the actual facilities of the Kingdom. (NOTE: I have heard many people comment that it should be called a "Queendom." However, My slave editor informs Me that "Kingdom is not necessarily gender specific -- it can be defined as an empire.")
The one major change that I was happiest about is that male creatures are no longer allowed to attend the Celebrations under “visitor” status. Males will not be admitted to future Celebrations unless they are the property of a Woman, a State slave, a slave for auction or a slave to be tried and punished in the Civil Court.

As always, the weekend consisted of a full program of events and competitions in order to properly celebrate the anniversary of The OWK (Other World Kingdom).
- At the “Official Commencement of the Celebration,” after the raising of the State Flag and playing of the State Hymn, we enjoyed the “Symbolic Punishment of the male Race.” It is such plain and simple fun! Whichever Ladies chose to do so could place their slave into a line-up. The slaves were bent over a long bar with their pants dropped to their ankles. Any Lady present was welcome to go down the line and administer 1-3 strokes to each male’s bottom with a riding crop.
- There was of course the slave auction, which is always an amusing spectacle. It is one of the events where the
males have their genitals exposed (males are required to keep such offensive body parts covered while in public areas with the
exception of a few events and competitions). Everyone present enjoyed a good hearty laugh as we watched slave after slave hop
up onto the auction block. Each slave attempted to demonstrate their virility by impressing the Ladies with their singing and
dancing abilities, as well as showing off their physical prowess with push-ups, running in circles and even performing the
occasional handstand. I am not positive, but I believe that one slave was sold for well over 100 DOMS (the official currency
of The OWK) which is not bad considering the most I remember hearing at past auctions was 12 DOMS. I hope he was worth it.
I have to admit, I admire the positive attitude and even courage in some cases that the male creatures mustered up to display themselves to the crowd in this fashion.
But then again, males have no shame, do they? - Once again, there was a fireworks show that rivaled many I have seen in the United States and a professional dance troupe performed steamy, fetish numbers to hot music at each evening’s events.
- All of the Ladies looked spectacular in full fetish wear at the “Banquet for Ladies with the Queen” which took place in the Queen’s Palace.
- At the “Civil Court and Punishment” we were subjected to listening to all the despicable “crimes” that certain males had committed. These crimes included masturbating without Mistress’ permission, attempting to embarrass one’s Mistress with unacceptable behavior while at The OWK and a case where one beast came onto an 18 year old Female at the airport on the way to OWK, in front of his Mistress! Fortunately, the sentencing and most of the punishments took place right then and there. Corporal punishment is a staple of the OWK legal system, along with being spat upon, confinement in a dungeon cell and public display on the pillory.
- The "Contest for the Best slave 2001" was held and it was no surprise that slave b performed quite well in Round 1: "The Ability to Take Pain." Much to My disgust, however, b was eliminated in Round 2: "Striptease Dancing." he committed the unspeakable faux pas of removing his collar. males are NEVER to be seen in OWK without their collars. A stupid, stupid mistake.
- Domina Irene Boss won the “Best Whipped male Ass” contest again. Her whipping included a spectacular double-handed flogging.

My slave -- b -- stayed in a private stable for two nights and was scheduled to spend the third night in a cell in the dungeon under the Queen’s Palace. Ever benevolent Mistress that I am, I allowed b to use three blankets to keep himself warm as he slept in the hay of his stable. I also gave him a flashlight to use in case of any emergency during the night. Of course, being so distracted with his new surroundings and a bit of a brat as it is, b forgot to take the flashlight with him to the stable. Since the riding hall (where the stables are located) is pitch dark at night, b lay awake for several hours with a full bladder. he wanted to avoid stepping on his fellow male submissives as he exited his private stable and fumbled his way around in search of a urinal.
I asked b why he had not peed in his plastic feed bucket and he replied that the thought had occurred to him, however, he was afraid that the Guardesses would make him drink it when they woke him for “Morning Exercises For The slaves.” I just snickered. Of course they would.
At The OWK, I, along with all Women, have the power to determine the degree to which Our property is marked. I started the weekend by limiting the marks on slave b’s bottom so there would be little evidence of his adventure upon his return to the United States. As the weekend progressed, slave b became so caught up in the spirit of the Celebration that he was transformed into a greedy little piggy masochist. Begging and whining is not really b’s style so he simply stated that he wanted to "go all-out for this once-in-a-lifetime experience" and have Me mark his body everywhere I could. Although this is quite an inviting opportunity for a sadist, he made this request while I was busy watching various competitions and socializing with other Dominant Ladies.
Given these circumstances, I became a bit perturbed and decided to beat slave b at My convenience. Using the whips and a crop slave b purchased for Me at The OWK shop, I enjoyed beating him in many different settings and situations:
- while watching the ponyboy races
- at the shoe/boot shine station while having My boots cleaned after the slave Hunt
- while chatting with friends in the night club, “Wanda”

As I mentioned earlier, slave b was scheduled to spend his third night in the dungeon of the Queen’s Palace. However, he was so enthusiastic about getting more “action” that I allowed him to participate in the “Bullwhip Contest.” he was one of three slaves who held a lit candle in their butt cracks while bending over various whipping apparatus. Each competing Lady had an opportunity to extinguish the candles with a Bullwhip. This kept b occupied and out of trouble (or so I thought) while I chatted with My friends including Domina Irene Boss, Mistress Pandora, Lady Regina, Mistress Shane and Domina ~Z~.
By the time I was ready to place b in his cell and get a good night sleep Myself, the Queen’s Palace had already been locked for the night and the person with the key was asleep. Needless to say, I was not pleased with b, but since physical punishment was such a treat for him I decided to verbally berate him. Then, after seriously considering letting him sleep outside in the chilly, damp Czech air, I allowed him to round up some used blankets from a vacated room and sleep outside My door.
On the final day of the Celebration, everybody was experiencing personal decompression time before returning to the “real world.” Everyone that is except b, who was busy wondering if we could rent some time in one of the dungeons which had not been available during the Celebration.
Domina Irene Boss and I took turns kicking b in the ass. Literally.