These rules and protocols will help make our session together more enjoyable for Me, Mistress Troy, and simpler for you. Learn them, follow them, commit them to memory and you will know exactly what to do and say in My presence, unless and until instructed otherwise by Me.
- Your purpose is to please, amuse, serve and obey Me. This is an honor and a privilege never to be taken for granted.
- You are to address Me as "Mistress Troy" or "Mistress."
- You will arrive clean and well groomed for every visit with Me.
- I strongly recommend genital shaving; however, it is not required.
- Do not overuse your fragrance or cologne -- it is My preference that you wear none.
- Mutual trust between us is essential -- you are trusting Me with your mind and your body and I must trust that you take care of yourself and are prepared to receive whatever I give you during our time together. Therefore, you should be well-rested and properly fed and hydrated when you arrive for our session.
- Do not stand on My dungeon's area rug while wearing your street shoes.
- After instructing you to disrobe I will leave the room. Upon My return you will be expected to greet Me properly. This requires you being on your hands and knees, then kissing the toe of each one of My boots or shoes (ONE kiss each) when they are placed in front of your face.
- When in My presence your gaze should remain on the floor, unless otherwise instructed.
- You must demonstrate good manners and proper etiquette in My presence. This includes -- but is not limited to -- saying "Please" and "Thank You" whenever addressing Me.
- This is how you request permission to speak (or to do anything else): "Mistress, may i please have permission to speak (or to _____ )?"
- When spoken to, your replies should be honest. Never respond with what you think I want to hear.
- Do not respond to My QUESTIONS with the phrase "I'm sorry" (this is a common habit when one thinks they are being reprimanded) -- "I'm sorry" is not an "answer" nor an excuse. Pay attention to what I say and be mindful of what comes out of your mouth.
- When freshening your breath with My mouthwash, you must utilize one of the cups provided. DO NOT drink mouthwash directly from the bottle.
- After using My toilet you must wipe off any bodily fluids and then close both the seat AND lid. you must also clean up any drips (or puddles) you leave on My bathroom floor. Inspections by Me are frequent.
- If you take a shower, do not use the towel I give you for your body to wipe up the sink, tub or floor. You should ask for a cleaning rag if you want to be helpful.